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Rust Removal


Har efter flere henvendelser blevet spurgt hvordan jeg fjerner rust.

Det meget simpelt, jeg lader det ligge i blød i en organisk væske

i 1-3 uger afhængig af hvor slem rusten er og hvor varmt vejret er.

Rust Removal pt1

This has only "minor" surface rust, but the organic product only removes rust.So where all the bare metal appars and the paint is removed, had rust under it.

Rust Removal pt2

This has only "minor" surface rust, but the organic product only removes rust.So where all the bare metal appars and the paint is removed, had rust under it.

Rust Removal pt3

This has only "minor" surface rust, but the organic product only removes rust.So where all the bare metal appars and the paint is removed, had rust under it.

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